Category: Filk

  • Physical CDs Are Coming!

    The physical CDs for “And They Said It Wouldn’t Last” are in process at Oasis CD and we expect shipment (to us) to begin by September 21. We will have CDs at FenCon and can hand-deliver CDs at OVFF, so let us know!

  • The Digital Version Lives!

    You can now download And They Said It Wouldn’t Last from Bandcamp for $10 – What A Bargain! The physical version will be available in the next 30 days, so stay tuned for more info.

  • The (First) CD Is Done!

    Well, at least everything is done on the music end. Still tweaking the case content (fixing typos, that is) and hoping to have it ready for production the first of September. The digital release on our bandcamp site should be open to the public on Tuesday, August 23.