Merideth Noelle Craven Zobell
is the middle child but without any of the usual middle kid syndromes.
She's a gentle, loving, wise and wonderful person, and she's always been
so. I've thought she was older than me in many ways, even as a small
child. Meri's known she wanted to be a teacher since the day she started
going to school. Her favorite game was to line the kids up with paper and
crayons and play school. Of course, she was always the
teacher. She made firm rules for the governance of her classroom,
and she'd get so upset when the other children didn't always abide by
them. I'd tell her, "You know, this is the test of a good teacher.
Her favorite color is orange. I know...
that's unusual, but Meri's a very unusual young woman. She also loves
anything connected to Winnie the Pooh. One Christmas, nearly everything
she received had Pooh Bear on it. She despises tomatoes and onions.
And she has the patience of a saint. It takes a lot to get Meri riled, but
when she does it's for good cause.


graduated Summa Cum Laude in Education from Southern Utah University in
May, so Bill and I met my mother and brother in Cedar City for the
ceremony. We are all so proud of Meri, we could almost burst!
She kept her scholarship all four years, which required maintaining a 3.9
GPA. She's the first child and grandchild on all sides of the family
to graduate from college. Now she's spending the summer doing her
student teaching in northern Utah.
Here she is all decked out in her cap and gown and
ribbons and medals and cords. Gorgeous, as always.