Going through a book of Irish Language songs we purchased on a trip to Dublin some years ago, I saw a title that seemed familiar and checked the printed music – why, yes, I held in my hand the music and lyrics for Mo Chaiín Rua – the music used for the song Si Mort À Mors that I talked about…
Year: 2018
Fascination Over Ann de Bretagne
As part of my research to find songs to bring into the SCA I ran across an old favorite from the Breton band Tri Yann entitled Si Mort À Mors: The song is modern, inspired by part of a funeral poem for Anne de Bretagne (see this Wikipedia article for more information on her importance to Brittany) written in 1514…
Good Day, Good Gentles
This is the blog of Dai Gerdwr, late of northeast Wales but currently residing in the Barony of Sternfeld in the Kingdom of the Middle. Herein one hopes to find blog posts about my current activities, including bardic research, heraldry, calligraphy, illumination, and perhaps whatever strikes my fancy. For the time being, however, the site will be undergoing changes in…