There's a strange phenomenon that occurs when kindred souls combine.
The instant we met Mike and Anne Whitaker, Bill and I knew that these folks, if
not family by biology, where destined to become family by choice. And
then, the more we got to know them, the more we noticed how very much alike we
were temperamentally. Bill and Anne are very logical, left-brained,
financially adept, perfectionists, rather leaning toward/over/on top of
the Type A personality line. Whereas, Mike and I are more laid back,
light-hearted, emotionally driven, intuitives with definite Type B- personality
profiles. All of us enjoy an eclectic love of music, beer, tea, fandom,
filk, and travel.
Mike and Anne
Separated at Birth
We formed an odd insta/perma band called Separated at Birth
based on a shared fantasy that Mike and I are brother and sister,
Bill and Ann are as well. Both sets of siblings were mixed up
in hospital at birth, raised on opposite sides of the Atlantic pond,
and eventually reunited at the Orlando Worldcon. We make
yearly pilgrimages to each other's homes, kick musical ass, and swap
favorite items (tea, beer mats, Oreos, prawn chips, tennis shoes,
instruments, children... one of these days, Anne's going to look
left for a moment, and my nephew James will fit neatly into the
overhead compartment of the airliner... )
The Separated at Birth Clan is growing, in a fun and confusing
Family Tree/Bush/Vine/Weedish way, adding a new niece/son/cousin
here and there. It's fun and we have no intention of stopping.
Mike came for a visit November of 2002 and asked me to post these
photos for the Fleetwood Mac Tribute Band's bassist, Mal. |
