Discography - Brenda Sinclair Sutton
2002 - Rite the First Time - Three
Weird Sisters - Bedlam House
2000 - Filk 2K - Songs from Chicon 2000 -
Volume I - USB Studios
- Star Dreamer - Bill and Brenda Sutton
1994 - Owling at the Moon - Bill
& Brenda Sutton - Dodeka
- All Soul's Night - lyric Lorena
additional lyric Brenda Sutton
- Clearing the Path - Aileen Vance, performed by Brenda Sutton
- Caretakers - Bill Sutton
- This Turn of the Wheel - Brenda Sutton
- Dogtown - Harry Chapin
- We're Only In It for the Money - Bill Sutton
- Wallflower - Brenda Sutton
- Mind, Hands, and Heart - Bill Sutton
- Lily Lady - Tera Mitchell
- Shooting Star- Harry Chapin
1993 - Make Believe, FilkOntario I -
Wail Songs
- Country Life - Lee (Van Deest) Billings
- Name Me Jonathan - Brenda Sutton
1991 - OVFF Kilter - OVFF 7
- Haunted - Brenda Sutton (Incorrectly attributed to Robin
Bailey on some copies of this tape)
1989 - Courtly Airs, Noreascon 3 -
Wail Songs
- Draw Down the Moon - Brenda Sutton
- Name Me Jonathan - Brenda Sutton
1989 - Caterwalls, Noreascon 3 -
Wail Songs
1989 - Gravity's Edge - ConChord 4
1988 - Harlequinade, Nolacon II -
Wail Songs
1988 - Harlequinery, Nolacon II -
Wail Songs
- Another Day of Loving - Brenda Sutton
- Costumer's Lament - Brenda Sutton
1988 Pleasure in the Ovffing, OVFF III
Wail Songs
1987 - Strangers No More - Brenda
Sutton - DAG
1987 - Black Unicorn - DAG
- Dragon's Eye - performance Brenda (Craven) Sutton and Robin
Bailey, song by Drew
- Morituri - performance Brenda (Craven) Sutton and Robin
Bailey, song by Robin Bailey
- End of the Tail - performance by Brenda (Craven) Sutton,
lyric Jane Mailander, music Meg Davis
- Haunted - Brenda (Craven) Sutton
1986 - Other Times, Other Places - DAG
- This Turn of the Wheel - Brenda (Craven) Sutton
- Elvenhome - Brenda (Craven) Sutton
- In the Blood - Brenda (Craven) Sutton
- Challenge of the Phoenix - Brenda (Craven) Sutton
- Luna Dome - lyrics - Brenda (Craven) Sutton, traditional
tune, The Water is Wide
- Planet Tera - lyrics - Brenda (Craven) Sutton, music Talk
to Me of Mendocino by K.
- Seven Stars - music - Brenda (Craven) Sutton, lyric Jane
1986 - Yankee Doodles -
Wail Songs
- Demon in the Dark - music Brenda (Craven)
Sutton, lyric Kathy Mar
1986 - Challenger Memorial-
Off Centaur Publications
- Challenge of the Phoenix - Brenda (Craven)
1986 - Bayfilk 3, Back Stage-
Off Centaur Publications
- Dear Writer - Brenda (Craven) Sutton